Chios Mastiha Cultivation
The Traditional Way
January - February
March - May
Trenching the ground
June - July
July - August
September - October
November - Spring
Sifting, washing and traditionally cleaning of Chios Mastiha. Delivery to Chios Mastiha Growers Association
Fertilization of Chios Mastiha Tree.
Work is adjusted annually depending on weather conditions.
But what is the “tables” creating, the soil spreading, the vein carving process, the sifting, the washing, and the traditional cleaning?
Let's Look At The Stages
Through A Photographic Trip
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Pruning Chios Mastiha Tree

Tables Creating

Tables Sweeping

Tables Soil Spreading

Kentos Process

First Chios Mastiha Gathering

Second Chios Mastiha Gathering

Chios Mastiha Sifting

Chios Mastiha Washing

Chios Mastiha Cleaning

Delivery to Chios Mastiha Growers Association

Chios Mastiha tree Fertilization