Our Videos
About Chios Mastiha

The Tree We Hurt

A movie about the friendship between two young boys during the summertime in 60’s Chios Island.


Coco Chanel Ad

A movie about Coco Chanel’s Blue Serum perfume that is filled with Chios and Chios Mastiha Trees.


Precious Chios Mastiha

Chios Mastiha is a unique and natural ingredient. A real superfood that has been known for its distinctive aroma and healing properties ever since antiquity. The translucent resin produceed fron the mastic tree only grows in the southern part of the Greek island of Chios. © The Chios Mastiha Growers Association


Sweet Alchemy

Stelios Parliaros discovers the secrets of Chios Mastiha, the precious resin that has made the island famous all over the world


George Konstantelias

In memory of my beloved business partner