
“Adopt a Chios Mastic Tree” – Project to regenerate old trees

Updated 27th May 2020

Who isn’t fascinated by the scent of the resins obtained from the mastic trees? The small precious pearls are known  as the “tears of Chios” as they are traditionally produced on the island of Chios in the eastern Aegean Sea. But, old or abandoned mastic trees need a regeneration, and this has its cost.

An environmental project called “Adopt a Chios Mastiha Tree” gives people around the world the unique opportunity to adopt a Mastic Tree and contribute to its growth and glory.

Adopt Chios Mastiha Tree – Feel the pure healing miracle of nature

Why to adopt Chios Trees?

To create roots connecting you to the unique Chios Mastiha Tree. A tree which offers the gift of the precious healing “tear” uniquely to Southern Chios. The Chios Mastiha! A national P.D.O product.

To strengthen the cultivation of Mastiha. A traditional cultivation, which has been included by UNESCO in the list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

The project initiators work with traditional methods

Work is adjusted annually depending on the weather conditions.

The cultivation process includes “tables” creation, soil spreading, vein carving process, sifting, washing and cleaning.

Adopt a Chios Mastiha Tree and enter a world full of aroma, tastes, but also of hard work.

The project’s website offers an insight into the cultivation and procession process as wells as some recipes with the solver tear of the mastic tree.

Read the article at Keeptalkinggreece.